Tourism involve temporary movement from place of residence to a destination for the purpose of rest and relaxation, recreation, sightseeing, education (viewing of nature for knowledge and conservation), visiting friends and relatives, business, medical treatments, pilgrimages and attendance at religious festivals, exhibitions and conventions attending sporting events and holidaying from work. On the other hand tourism information is the information that enables a potential tourist to access the destination of interest, insight of information about attraction and destination Survey research method was adopted for the study; the population of this study consists of 600 academic staff from three faculties. A stratified sampling technique was used to select one hundred and eighty (180) 30% respondent that formed the strata with 18 respondents from each stratum. A close-ended questionnaire was design and validated by three lecturers in the department of geography of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Pre-test and post-test of the instrument was done with 20 academic staff in the department of computer science, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria to ascertain the reliability of the instrument Cronbach Alpha coefficient was used at 0.05 level of significance and was found to be consistent at 0.75. Descriptive statistics of frequency distribution and simple percentages were used in the analysis. Findings of this study, shows that access to tourism information will lead to arousal of interest to participate in tourism activities which is very necessary in planning of itinerary, furthermore tourism has been noted to be a social therapy to stress and boredom. The study recommends that information on all types of tourism products and services should be provided and made available for academics staff and public accesses. Necessary infrastructure should be provided and make available in order to enhance information accesses.
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