In this study, it is aimed to examine the perceptions of pedagogical formation teacher candidates about the safe and supportive school climate according to various variables. The population of the research, which was designed in the descriptive survey model, was composed of the pedagogical formation teacher candidates of the Faculty of Education of Sinop University in 2018 academic year. One hundred fifty-six teacher candidates participated as volunteers. Since six of the completed scales were not correctly filled, the study was carried out with 150 participants. The data of the study was collected by the personal information form of the researcher and the Maryland Safe and Supporting School Climate Scale. Data were analysed by using SPSS package program and descriptive and statistical techniques. The mean and standard deviation examined formation pedagogical formation teacher candidates’ demographic characteristics, frequency and percentage, the school's safety and supportive climate. According to the findings of the study, the perceived safety of pedagogical formation teacher candidates high level significant positive and moderate correlations between the other dimensions and sub-dimensions.
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