L. Lasno, Ahmad Suriansyah, Muhammad Saleh


School management is one of the three pillars of implementing school-based management. Three things are the main emphasis in the implementation of school-based management, namely school management, standards and community participation. School management cannot be separated from the management of school principals whose transparency and accountability, including one of them is the management of the school environment (Adiwiyata). School-based management in the adiwiyata program is a manifestation of shared hopes and ideals, so there needs to be cooperation with the community, especially parents of students in the school. School-based management in the adiwiyata program is a manifestation of shared hopes and ideals, so cooperation with the community is needed parents of students at school. This research is a qualitative descriptive type from primary and secondary sources, with data collection techniques in the form of: interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis using interactive analysis, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The validity of the data is done by triangulation. The results of the research: (1) The role of principal in preparing adiwiyata work plans: (a) teachers, parents and committees to participate, (b) formulating the vision, mission, goals, objectives and program, (c) the Education Office and the Environmental Service to plan adiwiyata. (2) The principal implement the work plan: (a) invites parents, committees, Education Offices and LH in organizing, (b) division of tasks in adiwiyata, (c) make is achievement of the implementation of school adiwiyata, (d) make is APBS cultivation and environment, complement the infrastructure of cleanliness and beauty, (e) curriculum is based on the environment, carry out reforestation. (3) principals carry out adiwiyata monitoring and evaluation: (a) divide the task of supervising adiwiyata, (b) class guardian is record in books, (c) adiwiyata coordinators and homeroom supervisors monitor Clean Friday activities, (d) caring motivating parents, (e ) instruments of monitoring and supervision, (f) replacing damaged plants, (4) supporting and inhibiting factors: (a) active teachers and students, (b) support of the environmental service, Education OfficeRegency, (c) government policy, (d) land is cover 6000 m2, large yard, (d) student are working together, (e) funding from the community, (f) inhibiting factors from nature, flooding, high temperatures. Suggestions: (1) the head office Education Pulang Pisau Regency and LH Pulang Pisau Regency are make the MOU adiwiyata, provide technical and non-technical assistance. (2) the principal is advised to collaborate with companies around developing participatory-based management in schools, (3) the teachers are advised to integrate the adiwiyata (green school) program concept in learning materials and teaching and learning in the classroom, plays an active role as an environmental lover model for students at school.


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the role of principal, school based management, adiwiyata program

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