The teacher has a very large task and responsibility in the world of education, because the teacher is the spearhead in terms of improving school quality. So that it cannot be denied that teacher performance still needs to be improved. The need for transformational leadership attention is applied, teacher work motivation and organizational commitment that the teacher has. This study aims to determine: (1) a description of the principal's transformational leadership, teacher work motivation, teacher organizational commitment and teacher performance, (2) Analysis of the direct relationship of transformational leadership and teacher work motivation, (3) Analysis of the principal relationship of transformational leadership and teacher organizational commitment, (4) Analysis of the relationship between principals' transformational leadership and teacher performance, (5) Analysis of the direct relationship of work motivation with teacher performance, (6) Analysis of the direct relationship of teacher organizational commitment with teacher performance, (7) Relationship analysis is not directly transformational leadership of principals with teacher performance through teacher work motivation variables, (8) Analysis of indirect relationships of transformational leadership of principals with teacher performance through teacher organizational commitment. This study uses a quantitative approach. The research sample was 178 people. The instruments of data collection are questionnaires that have met the validity and reliability test requirements. Data analysis to test hypotheses using path analysis with multiple regression methods. The results of this study are: (1) Description of the principal's leadership, teacher's work motivation, teacher's organizational commitment is in a high classification, while the teacher's performance is in sufficient classification, (2) there is a direct relationship between transformational leadership and teacher motivation, (3) there is a direct relationship between principals transformational leadership and teacher organizational commitment, (4) there is a direct relationship between principals' transformational leadership and teacher performance, (5) there is a direct relationship between work motivation and teacher performance, (6) there is a direct relationship between teacher organizational commitment and teacher performance (7) there is an indirect relationship of principal transformational leadership with teacher performance through teacher work motivation variables, (8) there is an indirect relationship of principal transformational leadership with teacher performance through teacher organizational commitment.
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