The purpose of this study was to analyze English-learners’ metacognition when engaged in reading and listening tasks, to determine if there was a correlation between their reading metacognition and listening metacognition, and to determine if metacognition levels differed between students of basic, intermediate, and advanced English levels. One class of 50 nursing students in a 5-year nursing program was assigned to participate in this study for one semester. The learners were divided into three groups (high, intermediate, and low) based on their score on an English listening test. At the beginning of the semester, they listened to a lesson called “Dangerous Dining.” Five months later, the students were presented with the same lesson, though this time in written form rather than spoken form, and their reading comprehension was tested using the same questions. Then the learners were asked to fill out two online questionnaires: a 21-question questionnaire about their reading strategies, and a 30-question questionnaire about their listening strategies. The surveys were designed to gauge the participants’ metacognitive awareness. The results showed that there was a positive and strong significant correlation between the learners’ listening metacognitive strategy and reading metacognitive strategy, r=0. 775, p<0.01. With regard to the first factor (Global Reading Strategies) for high-level learners there was a positive and strong significant correlation between listening and reading strategies, r=1, p<0.01, but there was no significant correlation between the second factor (Problem-Solving Strategies) and the third factor (Support reading Strategies). As to the first factor (Global Reading Strategies) and the third factor (Support Reading Strategies) for intermediate-level learners, there was no significant correlation between listening and reading strategies, but there was a significant correlation to the second factor (Problem-Solving Strategies), r=0. 656, p<0.05. As regards the first factor (Global Reading Strategies), the second factor (Problem-Solving Strategies) and the third factor (Support Reading Strategies) for low-level learners, there was a significant correlation between listening and reading strategies, r=0. 73, p<0.01, r=0. 67, p<0.01, r=0. 44, p>0.01, respectively. The results revealed that there was a positive significant correlation between reading comprehension and listening comprehension for low-level learners. The intermediate and advanced language learners reported applying fewer listening metacognitive strategies to reading metacognitive strategies than the low-level language learners because they had internalized the listening/reading metacognitive strategies to experience them automatically and didn’t report the automated process. They thus used fewer metacognitive strategies.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2317
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