Emmanuel Atuahene


Teaching and learning can easily be influenced with the use of technological tools. The quality of teaching and learning is actually enhanced and improved through the use of technology integration. There is the need to encourage teachers to adopt and integrate ICT tools and techniques in teaching and learning to help ensures that the grounds for which it is implemented is realized to its potentials. The research aims at encouraging teachers in OFCE in integrating technology (ICT tools) in teaching and learning environment to improve the teaching and learning process. The researcher adopted the use of observations, questionnaires and interviews to collect data on the grounds that teachers exhibit lack of interest and a lot of challenges in the use of ICT tools for teaching and learning which renders the teaching and learning process boring and less effective. Teachers were exposed to the various guidelines, skills and techniques for designing, the preparation and the application of technology integration in education through workshops and hand-on activities on how to design and use interactive multimedia and software simulation for lesson delivery. The various interventions proved very constructive as teachers enjoyed using ICT tools for lesson preparation and delivery. However, teachers who had always thought of computers as serving but only one purpose, that is, for entertainment realized that to be a dreadful misconception. Hence, Training should be specifically organized to help keep teachers well abreast with the modern dynamics of the approaches, technologies, techniques and strategies for teaching and learning using the various ICT tool equip teachers with the necessary ICT skills, knowledge and expertise to apply to the teaching and learning process.


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information and communications technology (ICT), teaching and learning materials (TLMs), ICT tools, Offinso College of Education (OFCE), teaching and learning

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