The low level of creative thinking skills is due to the absence of student worksheet which can be used to explore students' creative potential. This research aims to produce the Ecology concept student worksheet using mind map strategies to improve students' creative thinking skills. This study uses two stages of the Plomp development research model, namely the preliminary stage and the prototype stage, while the assessment phase is not carried out. The research subjects in the field test were 16 students of class X natural science 2 in SMA Negeri 12 Banjarmasin. Data collection uses performance instruments creative thinking skills. Descriptive quantitative data analysis. The results of the study show that: The developed student worksheet is effective. For the results of testing the effectiveness of class X natural science 2 data obtained for fluency indicators 71.56% (high), flexibility 77.43% (high), authenticity 75.50 (high), specifying 73.93% (high) and indicators assessing 82.81% (high). The conclusion is that the ecological concept student worksheet using the mind map strategy developed is effective for training students' creative thinking skills.
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