The objective of the research is to investigate the difference on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) between the application of the chemistry learning based on analogy and without analogy. The type of the research was used to the quasi-experimental, while the design of research was non-equivalent control group design with posttest only. The sample in this study was students of class XI IPA (Natural Science) which consisted of two groups. The experimental group (34 students) was taught with chemistry learning based on analogy and the control group (32 students) was taught with chemistry learning without analogy. Nine analogies were used in experimental group. The instrument test consisting of 8 essay questions was applied to both groups. The data from both groups was compared with the independent sample t-test. The results of the research show that there is a significance differences between the experimental group and the control group. Students in the experimental group much better in HOTS than the control group. In conclusion, the chemistry learning based on analogy has positive impact on students’ HOTS.
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