The objectives of this study were to examine 1) the correlation between supervision of headmaster and teachers’ work ethos, 2) interpersonal communication and teachers’ work ethos, and 3) supervision of headmaster and interpersonal communication with teacher’ work ethos. This research was used quantitative descriptive method by using multiple correlation. Data collected by questionnaire, and documentation. Data were analyzed descriptively by using SPSS (version 16.0 for windows. From the research results can be seen that the value of t obtain or Sig. of supervisionn of headmaster was 0.006 whose value is less than = 0.05. It means that was significant correlation between supervision of headmaster (X1) and work spirit (Y). The value of t obtain or sig. t Interpersonal Communication (X2) was 0.023 whose value is smaller than the value = 0.05. This means that there is a significant correlation between Interpersonal Communication (X2) with work spirit (Y). The value of F obtained was 12,960. While the value of significant F is 0,000, where the value is less than the accuracy value = 0.1 (Pv <), it means that there is a significant correlation between Supervision of head master (X1), and Interpersonal Communication (X2) with work spirit (Y).
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