The purpose of this research is determining the rate of recalling of science subjects for students completing basic education. The qualitative research method was used in the study. In this context, face-to-face interviews, fully structured interviews and documents were reviewed. Homogeneous samples were used in the study. The sample consisted of 48 people. In addition, 7 people were interviewed face to face. A fully structured interview form, face-to-face interview and document review were used to collect data. Both descriptive and content analyzes were used to analyze the data. In addition, percentage and frequency values were used in document analysis. As result of the analysis the subjects most remembered by the participants are respectively living things and life, matter and nature, physical events, world and universe learning fields. Number of acquisitions of learning subject areas is consistent with frequency values of recalled subjects obtained in research. The most remembered subjects in the science lesson are the systems, the characteristics of living things and nature. As a result of face-to-face interview, it was determined that the methods and activities used by teachers in the classroom were effective in remembering the subject.
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