This study is aimed at determining the effectiveness of using virtual reality (VR) toward students’ scientific attitude in chemical bonding. The data was collected through questionnaire consisting of 14 items. A quasi-experiment with a post-test design was employed in this study. The population was the students of 10th public senior high school in Gunungkidul Regency. A total of 96 grade 10th students were cluster randomly selected from a public senior high school. The samples were set into three different classes, namely control group (CG) using a real laboratory, experiment group-1 (EG-1) using a virtual reality integrated hybrid learning, and experiment group-2 (EG-2) using both of them. The data related to students’ scientific attitude were analyzed using ANOVA. Scientific attitude scores were significantly different between the class using a real laboratory, the class that was using virtual reality, and the class that using both of them. This study implies that VR can be used to improve students' scientific attitude.
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