Financial Administration has become a vital and a crucial function in modern organizations and educational institutions. This is because financial resources are scarce in relation to the demand for them. As a result, it is imperative to have a very sound administration of public funds allocated to educational institutions. The study sought to investigate “Staff Participation in Financial Administration of Colleges of Education in Ashanti Region, Ghana.” The study was conducted in three Colleges with a sample size of One Hundred and Twenty (120) respondents, selected by using simple randomization and purposive sampling procedures. The main instrument used in the collection of data for the study was questionnaire but at certain instances, an interview guide was employed. The researcher made use of descriptive analysis approach to discuss the data in order to make conclusions. The study unveiled a closed nature of financial administration of the Colleges. As against this discovery, most of the respondents overwhelmingly emphasized that staff participation in financial administration has great significance on the Colleges’ development and as a result, were in favour of the practice of open college financial administration. It is therefore recommended that financial administration of the Colleges be made open to involve staff members. Staff members need to have access to financial information to inform their decisions, and also to motivate them for high performance to improve the Colleges.
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