This action research aimed to test the effectiveness of Project SKEW (Students’ Know-how in accessing Educational Websites) in improving the academic performance of Ormoc City Senior High School Grade 11 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) students in PreCalculus by allowing them to access or use the researcher’s own made educational website entitled CALCULUSBYNEPAYA powered by Weebly. The study utilized a mixed methods research design to determine whether there is a significant difference of the pre-test and post-test scores between the randomly selected STEM students who had access to the said educational website, and those who had no access. Specifically, this study aimed to know if there is an increase in the Mean Percentage Score (MPS) on Simplifying Trigonometric Expressions before and after giving the said intervention. To ensure that the control group will not be able access the site, it was programmed in such a way that it will automatically restrict students to log-in especially those who do not belong in the experimental group. A pre-test was administered to both groups to ensure that students from the experimental group were comparable to students from the control group. The reliability of 15-item multiple choice type of questionnaire was measured using the test-retest method, and undergone content validation from experts in the said subject matter. The collected data was treated using inferential statistics, specifically T-test of two samples assuming equal variances. The study revealed that there is a significant difference of the pre-test and post-test results which signifies that Project SKEW was effective. The result of the study was utilized in other subject matters and was disseminated to the school administration, faculty, and stakeholders, which will serve as a basis for adopting intervention programs towards improving student academic performance.
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