The purpose of this paper is through the content analysis of 48 publications in scientific texts, books and articles in scientific journals and conferences, to investigate the conceptual content of the term student self-assessment in higher education and professional training as it emerges from the descriptions and discussions of authors, researchers and experts. From the analysis nine dimensions or characteristics of the student self-assessment emerged because they had the highest frequency of occurrence. These are: a. Student-centered pedagogy, feedback and learning orientation that have been included in a broader category, "context" b. Quality learning, collaboration/involvement and formative assessment that were included in the category "student role" and c. Monitoring, reflection and review/control that were dimensions of a more general category that was called "processes". Definitions are mainly based on the dimension of student-centered pedagogy and reflection. Additionally, collaboration/involvement is a dimension that is reported less in definitions, but it is also an important element.
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