This study investigated the correlation between student’s perceptions about university instructional quality and students’ academic satisfaction. Emphasis was put on establishing the importance of instructional quality variables on influencing students’ academic satisfaction. The study employed a correlational research design with the use of canonical correlation analysis technique. The study made use of a researcher made survey questionnaire to generate the needed data with prior pilot testing to standardize the survey instrument. A random of 1,303 university students were obtained using stratified random sampling technique. Findings revealed that instructional quality and academic satisfaction variables were correlated. Two canonical functions were computed which indicating both a statistically significant. The canonical loadings indicate that instructional quality was greatly influenced by students’ perception on teachers’ subject matter knowledge and rapport with students and the results for canonical cross loadings denote a stronger relationship of students’ perception on teachers subjects matter knowledge and rapport with students among instructional quality variables to their academic satisfaction. Students’ perception on learning motivation and classroom management, on the other hand, yielded to have the least influenced among instructional quality variables to student’s academic satisfaction. The results suggest that the university will continue to improve its instructional quality. In conclusion, instructional quality has a direct bearing on the academic satisfaction of University students, the higher the instructional quality the better are students’ academic satisfaction. Both attributes go hand in hand. Future similar research may be conducted which should include other instructional quality indicators like learning facilities not considered in this study.
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