The aim of this research is to investigate the difference in the level of satisfaction of the counselee (victims) of cyber-bullying after receiving counseling services through face-to-face and cyber-counseling approaches. The research method uses Quasi-Experimental Non-equivalent Control Group Pretest/Posttest Design. Quantitative data obtained using Client Satisfaction Instrument (CSI) and the Revised Cyber-bullying Inventory (RCBI). Data is then analyzed using an independent t-test to see the difference in the satisfaction level of the counselee (victims) of cyber-bullying. Respondents research totaling 64 people involved and conducted in two study groups, the control group using face-to-face counseling (n=32) and group experiments using cyber-counseling (n=32). The results of the study have found that counseling services have been given to the counselee (victims) of cyber-bullying with the cyber-counseling approach shows higher satisfaction compared to a face-to-face approach.
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