In formal education, learning content has complete representative characteristics, and the main function of teachers is to be able to present the reality by materializing it through its representations. In this context; communication, the written, visual and oral language creating the communication, and audio-visual education technologies that bring depth and dimension to communication has become the indispensable professional instruments of teachers in this media age that we are a part of. However, due to a series of financial, legal and technical justifications and various prejudices that these justifications feed, it cannot be claimed that audio-visual teaching materials and technologies, particularly movie products, have a widespread and institutionalized area of use worldwide. This research aims to reveal the knowledge and awareness levels of social studies teachers in Turkey on the subjects regarding history teaching, their attitudes for the use of movies and serials, and their negative or positive opinions and recommendations on this issue. Within the frame of this purpose, a general qualified questionnaire form that requires only one answer was applied for the teachers participating in the research as well as semi-structured interviews were made with each teacher individually. The obtained data were coded and interpreted according to categories of research questions, and solutions were offered to overcome the reflected problems and obstacles.
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