The purpose of this research is to prepare a valid and reliable measurement tool in order to determine the acquisition of teacher candidates under the hidden curriculum in teacher training process. The research is a field study of descriptive quality. In the development of the scale, firstly the related literature has been examined and a pool of 66 items has been formed. Subsequently, expert opinion was received for scope validity. A draft consisting of 43 items was obtained in the line with the expert opinion. After necessary permissions were obtained, it was applied to Akdeniz University Faculty of Education for the pilot application of the scale. The scale was applied to 259 teacher candidates in the fourth year of study at Akdeniz University Faculty of Education by the researcher on May 6-17, 2019. Factor analysis was performed by using SPSS package program for construct validity of the scale. KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) sampling and Bartlett Sphericity test were applied before factor analysis. As a result, the valid and reliable “Hidden Curriculum Scale in Teacher Education” was developed.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2551
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