This paper investigates how institutional staffing processes influence internal efficiency of public technical training institutions in the county of Bungoma, Kenya. The study was guided by resource dependence theory. The target population involved public TTIs tutors, principals of the TTIs and resource mobilisation officers in the four institutions located in the county of Bungoma; Sangalo Institute of Science and Technology, Kisiwa, Matili and Musakasa Technical Training Institutes. The study adopted mixed method research which was cross-sectional in nature. The data collection instruments involved use of questionnaires, interview schedules and document checklist. Qualitative data was transcribed and presented in verbatim with the use of content analysis method. Quantitative data analysis was done using descriptive (frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviation) and inferential (Multiple Linear Regression) statistics. The results in Table 4.5 show that there exist a moderate positive relationship (r=0.473 and p=0.00) between institutional staffing capacity at the four public TTIs in Bungoma county. The relationship appears to be significant at 99% confidence level. The study recommends that there is need for public TTIs to consider collaborating with other institutions within and outside the country for benchmarking of staff exchange programmes that could be important in improving skills and knowledge among the staff.
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