To determine the perceptions of the students in primary school on important concepts / values in cultural, historical and social context is of great importance in determining the views of students about these values. In this regard, in this present study, it is purposed to determine the metaphorical perceptions of the 4th grade students on the concepts of Atatürk, War of Independence, and Republic. The sample of the research structured according to the basic qualitative research method consists of 4th grade students studying in Denizli province. The stratified sampling method was applied to determine the sample of the study. Data of the research conducted with 91 fourth grade students in primary school were collected by open-ended questionnaire designed by the researcher. The data of the study were collected by the researcher, and the data were initially categorized and then analysed. In the analysis of the data, the percentage of consensus was analysed as the reliability analysis, and a reliability ratio of 0.81 was obtained for three questions. By analysing the data through inductive content analysis, the metaphors were first coded and then themes / categories were generated from codes. The findings were also supported by quotations. The codes obtained at the end of the study were visualized with the help of an academician from the department of art teaching, and the perceptions of the group on Atatürk, War of Independence, and Republic were visualized. According to the results of the research, it was concluded that the students perceived Atatürk as hero, star, saviour, and moon; War of Independence as independence and freedom; and Republic as freedom, shield, flag, and moon.
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