Mulawarman Mulawarman, Imam Setyo Nugroho, Susilawati Susilawati, Mayang T. Afriwilda, Indrajati Kunwijaya


The counselor is a helping profession that is required to have an effective personality character, including self-esteem and optimism. The purpose of this study is to increase prospective counselor students’ self-esteem and optimism in using flip classroom guidance with animated video media. The experimental design in this study was One Group Pre-test Post-Test. The research subjects were 14 students chosen by random assignment. The instruments used were the Roosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (α=0, 90) and POSO-E Scale (α=0, 78-0, 87). The results of the t-test showed significant differences in optimism (t (14) = -5, 76, p<0, 05) and self-esteem (t (14) = -3, 10, p<0, 05), self-esteem and optimism have a positive correlation (r = 0,792, p<0, 01). The flip classroom guidance method with animated video media has proven effective in increasing self-esteem and optimism of prospective counselor students.


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flip, classroom guidance, self-esteem, optimism

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2598


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