The purpose of this research is to reveal the effect of the gains obtained in the teaching principles and methods course in the pedagogical training program implemented in education faculties in Turkey on the teacher self-efficacy beliefs of prospective teachers. The research is a descriptive study in pre-test and post-test screening model. The study group consisted of 350 prospective teachers studying in the pedagogical formation program of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Faculty of Education in the spring semester of 2018-2019 academic year. In obtaining the data for the course of teaching principles and methods, the teaching self-efficacy scale, which was developed by Kuzu and Demir (2015) together with validity and reliability studies, was used. For the sub-dimensions of the scale, t-test was employed for unrelated samples to determine whether the scores of pre-test and post-test differed significantly from each other. Two-way variance analysis (ANOVA) was used for repeated measurements to determine whether the differences in the two tests were statistically significant. Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test was used to determine whether the data were normally distributed or not. According to the findings as a result of the analysis, self-efficacy beliefs of the participants increased significantly in all sub-dimensions of the scale. The teaching area where the self-efficacy increased the most was program development, while the areas where it increased the least were explanation in teaching and planning areas. The distribution of self-efficacy beliefs by gender revealed significant differences in favor of female teacher candidates compared to men. It was determined that prospective teachers showed significant differences depending on department variables and did not show significant differences depending on undergraduate education class variable.
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