The study was conducted to describe the demographics of the working students and their work and study conditions; it also determined the relationship of the former to the latter. A total of one- hundred twenty-eight students from one private higher education institution (HEI) in the Sultanate of Oman participated in the study. The study adopted a quantitative method of research. The instrument which was designed by the researchers had high internal consistency and was validated by a group of researchers. Likert scaling was used to describe the conditions while frequency, mean, standard deviation were used to analyse the data. The relationship was tested through Pearson r. The findings revealed that majority of the respondents are young learners. Almost half are married; while majority are male; respondents were almost equally distributed in terms of private and government employment while a few have their own business. In regard to work and study conditions, three items were strongly agreed while only one was strongly disagreed; five items were agreed and another item was disagreed. As to relationship, respondents’ age, nature of employment, and study level were seen to have significant relationship with some of the work and study factors while marital status and gender were not found to have relationship. The findings in this study could be a starting point to obtain some relevant information about the conditions of students who are working while studying especially in the Sultanate; given that there is limited state—of the-art literature in terms of this research endeavour. The future study could be conducted involving a higher number of education institutions so to gather more pertinent information.
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