Kustyarini K., Sri Utami, Endang Koesmijati


The recent national education system requires to be revised because in measuring the level of intelligence of students only emphasizes the ability of logic and language. The enactment of the 2013 curriculum, which took effect in July 2013 in some schools in Indonesia selected by the Ministry of Education and Culture, tries to renew it by introducing a learning paradigm that not only measures these two parameters, but looks at the aspects of kinesthetic, musical, visual-spatial, interpersonal, and naturalist aspects. Students as a component are treated, able to carry out learning activities with pleasure, carefree and happy without leaving the meaning of the seriousness of learning. Students follow the learning without pressure and also without coercion. Learning becomes more interesting for students in particular and for schools in general so that learning objectives that have been formulated from each basic competency can be achieved and students are able to do complete learning. Therefore, the preparation of learning tools requires several things, as follows (1) must be able to stimulate students to move creatively and innovatively, (2) the teaching materials used should be arranged with the optimization of learning modalities by presenting both verbal and non-verbal texts. varying, and (3) the preparation of teaching materials should have meaning and benefits for students. The objectives in this study are: (1) to develop multiple intelligences-based learning tools with observation based learning approach, and (2) to determine the effectiveness of learning devices in terms of increasing students' competencies. In addition, this development is expected to bring changes in the lives of students so that in addition to students interested in Indonesian subjects at the same time they are able to achieve the expected competencies of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values embodied in the habits of thinking and acting. Based on this, it is necessary to develop learning tools based on multiple intelligences with an observation based learning approach with a development method consisting of identification, development, and dissemination.


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learning tools, multiple intelligences, observation based learning

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2608


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