The study sought to investigate the factors influencing indisciplinary behaviour among students in Senior High School (SHS) and to find means of eradicating such behaviours. The study had the intention of helping teachers, school administrators, students and parents to better understand the problem of indiscipline, its effects and to jointly find solution to them. The simple random sampling was used to select the Bantama Sub-Metropolis. All three SHS, teachers and students in the sub-Metropolis were used for the study. Simple frequency counts and percentages were used to analyze the research questions to come out with the findings. The study indicated that all the respondents saw indiscipline as a major problem among SHS students. It was also clear that the common indisciplinary acts in schools included absenteeism, stealing, bullying, alcoholism, lateness and running away from school to town. Among the recommendations included the revision of outmoded school rules and regulations to suit current modern trends.
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