The objective of this study is to explore the influence of learning motivation on students’ learning outcomes in Basic Concepts of Natural Sciences 2. This survey research was conducted in the Department of Elementary Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. The data from questionnaires and evaluation tests were further analyzed by using descriptive and inferential analysis with path analysis approach. The population consisted of all 202 undergraduate students in the previously mentioned department; further, only 130 of them were selected as the research sample. The study finds that learning motivation directly and positively influences the learning outcomes of the students in the subject mentioned above. Such a finding indicates that students with high learning motivation are more likely to enhance their academic performance, thus attaining the learning goals easily. This situation is because the encouragement in learning which drives the students to perform all-out in a particular subject, accomplishing the subject according to the timeframe and be responsible throughout the course to meet the learning objectives. In other words, high learning motivation ensures the probability to improve the learning outcomes of the students in the subject mentioned above. This finding indicates that students with high learning motivation are more likely to enhance their academic performance, thus attaining the learning goals easily.
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