Spatial ability is an important factor affecting student achievement in science and mathematics education. In this study, it is aimed to investigate the spatial ability levels of students studying in chemistry department. Molecular model spatial ability test prepared for chemistry education was used in the study. The test measures spatial ability in two dimensions: rotation in space and visualization in the mind. In the research, t-test was used to determine whether there is a difference between the gender, class levels and the spatial ability and sub-dimensions of the molecular model. One-way analysis of variance was used to determine whether there was a difference between the achievement levels of the students and the spatial ability and sub-dimensions of the molecular model. No correlation was found between the gender and molecular model spatial ability and sub-dimensions of the students. There was a significant difference between students' class levels and spatial ability and sub-dimensions. As students' class levels increase, their ability to visualize increases. There was also a significant difference between the students' school achievements and the rotation of the molecular model in space with spatial ability and sub-dimensions and visualization in mind. The higher the grade point average, the more the ability to rotate and model the molecular model in space with its spatial ability and sub-dimensions.
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