Mali as an undeveloped country, education is still placed in an important role. To make more people know its education, this article presents the structure of the education system in Mali and especially for mathematics education. Mathematics play a key role in people's lives. Whether one is intellectual or illiterate mathematics are useful for everybody, Mathematics education and the cure for mathematics education is a great concern in the Malian education system. Our goal in this paper is to formulate recommendations for improvement and development of mathematics education in Mali. It gives an overview of the mathematics education programs such as the purpose and objectives of mathematics education from kindergarten to high school. It also concerns the method of mathematics teaching or the pedagogy used. In addition, there is a reflection of the content of mathematics curriculum of the first and second cycle of basic and secondary education. Our concern here is teaching and learning approaches of mathematics in Mali. The article also measures about the Master Training Institutes (IFM) and teacher training schools of secondary education; it clearly lists the problems of mathematics education besides and finally.
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