This study was carried out with the aim of developing a valid and reliable achievement testing natural numbers by taking into account the steps of achievement test development. In the development of the achievement test, the 17 acquisitions related to the concept of step value in natural numbers in the field of learning of numbers and operations in the 4th Grade Mathematics Course Curriculum (2018) were taken into consideration. Based on the literature review, a draft achievement test consisting of 4 items, 68 items in total, was developed. In order to ensure the consistency of the prepared test items and their consistency with scientific information, various arrangements have been made in the test items by making use of the opinions of 4 faculty members specialized in the field of classroom education, mathematics education and measurement. A pilot application was carried out with 136 elementary school 4th Grade students. In accordance with the answers of the students to the questions in the test, item analysis was performed, and the discrimination indexes of each item were calculated separately. As a result of the item analysis, 40 items that were not easy to distinguish as easy and difficult and that did not have good item discrimination features were removed from the test, and the achievement test consisting of 28 items was obtained for the concept of step. The mean difficulty of the achievement test was .56, and the mean discrimination feature was .45. The data obtained from the item analysis of the test were analyzed using ITEMAN and Microsoft Office Excel 2007 programs; and the KR-20 reliability coefficient of the test was calculated as .885.
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