Elisha K. Philip, Esther N. Waithaka


Outdoor play is part and parcel of child development. And because children spent most of their time interacting with their peers and teachers in Early Childhood Development Centres, it is the responsibility of educators to ensure all children enjoy learning through play. While many studies revealed the contribution of preschool teachers towards children outdoor play, it is not clear whether teachers’ involvement discourages or encourages children to play. It is in the light of this that the study sought to determine how teachers’ roles influence children’s engagement in outdoor play in Kwale County, Kenya. The target population of this study was preschool teachers and head teachers in Kwale County. The study employed stratified and purposive sampling techniques to select preschools and head teachers respectively. Data was collected via questionnaire and observation checklist. The data collected was presented using frequency distribution tables and bar graphs. Qualitative and quantitative data analysis procedure was used in which data revealed various roles of preschool teachers during children outdoor play activities. The study established that teachers’ involvement influences children engagement in outdoor play. Based on the findings, the study recommended that teachers should contribute towards children outdoor activities as well as accompany them to the playgrounds during play time.


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outdoor play, teacher involvement, engagement in outdoor play

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