This study aims to determine the effects of the learning station method on seventh grade students’ conceptual understanding levels regarding the light unit and their views about this technique. Mixed method integrating both quantitative and qualitative methods was used in the research. In the quantitative part of the research quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group design was employed. The study group of the research consisted of 41 7th grade students attending a middle school in Eskişehir (22 experimental, 19 control group). Four open-ended questions prepared by the researcher teacher were applied to both groups as pretest and posttest. Pretest data of the experimental and control groups were compared and no significant difference between average test scores was detected. The analysis of average posttest scores of the two groups revealed that the average score of the experimental group, who learned the light unit with the learning station method, was higher than the control group, who learned the same unit with the current program. Additionally, semi-structured interviews were conducted with five students randomly selected from the experimental group. The students expressed in their answers that science lesson conducted with learning stations was efficient and fun and they learned the topic more permanently than usual. Extensive use of learning station method with diverse activities is recommended to all science teachers as a result of the study.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2676
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