Teachers are the key persons involved in ensuring successful secondary education curriculum implementation. However, their ability to perform their instructional tasks is dictated by the environment they operate from. This paper looks at how ethnic conflicts affect teachers’ ability to perform their duties as expected in public secondary schools. The study was conducted in lowland areas of Baringo that have been experiencing inter-ethnic conflicts for a long period of time. The study used mixed method research methodology to collect qualitative and quantitative data. The respondents for the study consisted of 205 teachers, 22 principals and 88 BOM members from which a sample of 136 teachers, 26 BOM members and 22 principals were selected. The study collected data through questionnaire and interview schedule. The study found out that as a result of conflict, majority of teachers did not report to school on time while others failed to attend school completely for some days. This affected their capacity to teach and assess students in secondary schools. The study found out that there existed significant negative effect of ethnic conflicts on teacher instructional performance in public secondary schools in the lower areas of Baringo County, Kenya. The study recommends that schools need to offer psychological support to teachers through guidance and counselling in order to ensure teachers perform well in their duties. Teachers need to be housed in school through construction of teachers quarters.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2691
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Copyright (c) 2019 Jerono Kiprop-Marakis, Lydia Kipkoech, Ahmed K. Ferej

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