This study examined the relationship between age and pupils achievement in mathematics and English in public and private primary schools in Fako Divion, South West Region of Cameroon. Based on the objective, two hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted a cross – sectional survey design. The population of the study consisted of class two and three pupils constituting a sample of 297 pupils purposively selected as follows: 163 from private schools and 134 from public schools who had been in the selected schools for a minimum of two years. Tests were administered on a score of 20 which took into consideration the curriculum of each class. Data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation as well as the Spearman’s rho and Kruskal Wallis tests. Statistics were presented at 95% confidence interval with alpha set at 0.05 levels accepting 5% margin of error. Results revealed a significant relationship between age and pupils achievement in mathematics and English as well as a significant difference in this relationship by school type with performance being higher in private schools than those in public schools. Recommendations were made amongst which is the respect of school entry age.
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