Educational co-operation within the China-Africa Relation has been identified as an important sector on which Africa can leverage to boost its education and skill development, that have been some of the bottlenecks of Africa’s development. This cooperation centers on China’s role in Africa’s human resource development through soft power with Africa and promoting skill development for African countries. As such, the paper examined the different dimensions of China-Africa educational cooperation and its impact with a focus on Cameroon, through a review of corresponding literature which include; published and unpublished papers, journal papers, government reports and newspapers articles. The study found that there still exits huge skill gap with no formal evaluations, even though there has been records of skill development schemes as well as increase in pledges made with each successive high level summits. Finally, the study maintains that strong internal policies and pragmatic action on Cameroonian side will enable Cameroon to properly engage China for WIN -WIN cooperation.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2695
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