Maximilla Wakoli, Kisilu Kitainge


This paper looks at the relationship that exists between financial resource mobilisation and internal efficiency of public technical training institutions located in the county of Bungoma Kenya. For the objectives of technical training to be attained, financial resources is needed. This is because, instructional resources, infrastructural facilities or human resources all depend on the budget that their institutions develops and utilises on yearly basis. The study was conducted in four public technical training institutions in Bungoma County. The methodology for the study was mixed employing qualitative and quantitative methods. Data was collected through questionnaires and interviews from the following respondents; 4 principals, 16 managers in charge of IGAs, and 239 tutors from the four institutions mentioned above. The sample size involved 4 TTIs principles, 16 resource mobilisation managers and 150 tutors. The respondents were selected using stratified and systematic random sampling methods and purposive (judgmental) sampling methods. Data was collected through questionnaire and interview schedules. Analyais of data was performed using descriptive and inferential statistics to answer research question and test the research hypothesis. Computed correlation values (r=0.336 and p=0.001) showed that there existed weak positive relationship between financial resource mobilisation and internal efficiency of public training institutions in Bungoma County. Therefore, public TTIs need to increase their financial resource mobilisation strategies with the hope of increasing internal efficiency. Moreover, automation of financial system in public technical training institutions in the study is necessary.


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relationship, financial, resources, mobilisation, internal & efficiency

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