Learner readiness enhances academic achievement and predicts children’s performance in the near future. Children who are ready are less likely to experience behavioural and emotional problems and score higher in reading, mathematics and fine motor skills than those who are not ready. However, teachers are still struggling with learners from preschool who are not well prepared for grade one. This paper provides empirical evidence of the influence of teacher characteristics on learning readiness among 5-6 years old using data obtained from 356 pre-schoolers and 55 preschool teachers in public pre-schools in Kimilili-Bungoma Sub County, Kenya. The multiple regression analysis results indicate that selected teacher characteristics variables (age, years of schooling and number of workshops attended) are statistically significant in explaining variations in learning readiness among pre-schoolers. It is recommended that the Ministry of Education, County and Sub-County Education office and public preschools should ensure that preschool teachers managing learners are qualified and attend more in service training.
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