The transfer of education system from the traditional approach to Outcome Based Education (OBE) had given a significant change in many educational institutions worldwide. In Malaysia, most of the education institutions had implemented OBE in their system and had shown an increment in the students’ academic achievement. The reform in the health services that stresses on professionalism had brought the necessity to adopt OBE in allied health education. Thus, the Faculty of Health Sciences in KPJ Healthcare University College (KPJUC) implemented OBE on 2014 and positive result had been showed. There is a notable paucity of studies that focused on the students' perception on the educational system. This study focused on students' perception on OBE system in terms of students' understanding and their academic achievement. The student’s perception is the most crucial part as they are the medium of the system. They are the ones who undergo the system thoroughly, and they are the final product of the OBE system. This study used a descriptive method of research wherein the quantitative data were gathered using questionnaires. The participants were 19 graduating students from Bachelor of Medical Imaging (BMI) and Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPY). The study showed that the perception of students regarding the program outcomes was good and this finding will help to improvise the lacuna in the system and can be the stepping-stone to a better education system in future.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.271
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