Students can obtain an understanding of concepts through learning interactions in class. However, the interaction that occurs in the majority of classes is done between teachers and students who have a high ability. This causes students who have moderate and low ability to be reluctant to interact so the understanding of the material being studied is low. Learning that can facilitate interaction is cooperative learning. Cooperative learning is carried out in heterogeneous groups so as to enable cooperation and interaction between students who have high, medium or low ability. For such reason, this research aims to find out the characteristics of student learning interactions in constructing an understanding of concepts in cooperative learning. The method used in this study there has three stages. The first stage is field observation, determining the place of research. The second stage is determining the research subject, arranging the instrument, testing the instrument, validating the instrument. The third stage is data collection, data validity testing, data analysis, and conclusion drawing. The instruments used were camcorders, observation sheets, comprehension tests, and interview guidelines. The results showed that the characteristics of student learning interactions in constructing dominant concept understanding are the types of interaction asking and answering questions.
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