The main aim of this research is to know the experience obtained by bullying victim in SMAN 3 Salatiga, as well the meaning of bullying for victim based on their own experience. This research is a qualitative research using a phenomenology approach. This research is conducted in SMAN 3 Salatiga, Salatiga city, central Java, Indonesia. Research implementation began in November 2017 until February 2018. The participants are ten students (victims of bullying). They consist of five students of first-grade senior high school and five students of second-grade senior high school. The techniques of collecting data used were interview and documentation. Analyzing qualitative data used software Nvivo. Respondents obtained bullying experiences in both physical and verbal way. Bullying executant comes from family and school environment. The victims’ reaction and the impact got toward bullying activity are various enough. For the victims, bullying activities give a negative impact on both their psychological and physical, such as creating the traumatic effect and the desire to avoid themselves from association and environment.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2740
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