Music is a significant teaching strategy in early childhood education it improves development of young children’s self-confidence, self-esteem and their expression orally and mentally. Despite the fact that, use of music is a strategy that motivates and sustains children’s interest in the learning of mathematics, research studies in this area are scanty. The purpose of this study therefore was to find out influence of preschool teacher training on the use of music as a mode of teaching mathematics within Kasarani, Nairobi County. The study sought to determine the link between preschool teacher training and use of music in teaching mathematics. The descriptive survey research design was used to structure and guide the study. The study’s dependent variable was use of music as a medium of teaching mathematics while the independent variable was preschool teacher training in use of music in teaching mathematics. Random sampling was used to select 15 preschools out of the 30 targeted and purposive sampling used to select 15 head teachers out of 30 and 45 out of 90 preschool teachers. An observation guide and questionnaires were used to collect data for preschool teachers and head teachers. The study findings established a significant association between teacher training and use of music during mathematic instructions. The study concluded that preschool teachers in Kasarani Sub-County were using music to teach mathematics and that trained teachers used music to teach mathematics than their untrained counterparts. The study recommended the Kenya institute of curriculum development should come up with modules on step by step guidelines on how to teachers should integrate music during maths lessons.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Ruth Nyakinyi Macharia, Juliet W. Mugo, Esther N. Waithaka

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