One of the measures on the performance of the faculties is their competency levels and skills. This is true with their profession since teacher is the noblest among all professions. Teacher or lecturer involves challenges on their technical teaching as innovators to the young minds. The study examines the profile of the respondents and their competency skills and performance level of the faculty in the Higher Education Institutions ((HEI) in terms of communication,planning and administration, teamwork, strategic action, and self-management. The study employs quantitative descriptive approach and method of research because this approach collects the data that attempts in a quantifiable approach and information for statistical analysis of the competency skills and performance level of the faculties in the Higher Education Institution (HEI). Purposive sampling is utilized in the study because this kind of sampling is subjective, selective and judgmental in choosing the number of respondents needed in the study. It is a non-probability method used in choosing the population of the study. The subjects of the study are the different faculties in the Higher Education Institution (HEI). They are lecturers, module coordinators and program leaders. This is conducted for the period 2019-2020. The study comprised of thirty (30) respondents only. Results show that there is no significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and their competency skills and performance level.
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