This study investigated the effects of Constructionist Class of Instructional (2CI) models on Solid Geometry Achievement (SGA) of Senior Secondary Class I (SSC1) students in Emohua Local Government Area (LGA) of Rivers State, Nigeria. The specific 2CI-models used in this study were Design-Based Learning (DBL) and Learning-While-Doing (LWD) instructional models. A quasi-experimental design was used. A total of 89 SSCI students took part in the study. Solid Geometry Achievement Test (SGAT) was used to measure student SGA. The KR-21 was used to determine the reliability of the SGAT and an index of 0.84 was obtained. The study was guided by two research questions and two hypotheses respectively. The descriptive statistic and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) were used for data analysis. The study found that the 2CI-models advanced the SGLA of students over time. The DBL proved to be fairly superior the LWD over learning gain. The 2CI-models had a significant effect on the SGLA of the students. There was a significant main effect of 2CI-models over Problem-based Learning (PbL) model on SGLA of SSC1 students. There was no significant difference between the mean SGLA scores of the male and the female students instructed using 2CI-models over PbL model. The study recommended among others the adoption of 2CI-models in teaching mathematics since it has been proven to aid students to own and apply their knowledge.
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