This study investigated the prevention of drug and substance abuse among students in secondary schools in Malindi Central urban Sub-County of Kenya. The research problem emanated from the concern that many school children are being wasted due to drug and substance abuse despite efforts put in place to prevent it by various stakeholders such as the government, parents, teachers and religious leaders. This study focused on the objectives of finding out the types and sources of drugs and substances abused by secondary school students in Malindi Central Urban Sub-county, the existing measures against the vice as well as establishing the challenges in the prevention of drug and substance abuse in the study locale. The target population was 8 schools and 112 teachers.The sample size was 4 schools and 60 teachers. Schools were chosen through purposeful sampling depending on their closeness to the urban environment of Malindi Sub-County while teachers were also chosen purposively where longest serving teachers participated in the study. The information was elicited by use of interviews and focused group discussions. Quantitative data was analyzed through simple statistics while qualitative data analysis took the thematic approach. The results showed that drugs abused mainly by students were khat (miraa), bhang, cigarettes and alcohol. Such students obtained drugs and substances of abuse from their peers, community and parents. The study established that existing measures in schools within the study locale against drug and substance abuse were mainly guidance and counseling as well as police arrests. However, the study went further and sought the challenges that have made it difficult to curb drug and substance abuse which are mainly as follows: lack of cooperation from parents, the school community and constant watching of media like television sets (TVs).
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