The purpose of this research is to examine whether low and high student acheivement and new and old types of buildings have a meaningful relationship with perceptions of teachers on quality of school buildings. Quantitative methods were used in the research. 204 teachers from elementary, middle and high school in İzmir, Turkey completed the scale. Stratified random sampling was used in the research. In data collection, ‘Quality School Building Scale’ was used. For data analaysis, t test were used as well as basic statistical methods. Results show that, as academic achievement, there is a meaningful difference between perception of teachers related to school campus, acoustic dimensions and total scale. The difference is in the favor of schools with lower academic achivement. The same dimensions and total scale have difference that old type is favorable. In this sense, improving the quality of school building is important.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2761
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