This study investigated the relationship between in service training and school effectiveness in private secondary schools in Kwara state. The research designed for this study was a descriptive research of correlational type. The population for the study comprised all 605 teachers and all students in the thirty-eight duely registered private secondary schools in Ilorin metropolis. Proportional random sampling technique was used to select 300 respondents from fifteen private secondary schools. Questionnaire was used to elicit information from the respondents. The instrument was trial-tested to obtain reliability coefficient of0.68. A checklist was also designed to collect five year results of students in West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) from the sampled schools (2011-2015). Two research questions formulated were answered using tables and frequent count. Three hypotheses generated were tested using computer SPSS and inferential statistical method at 0.05 significance level. The findings revealed that, there was a positive significant relationship between in-service training and school effectiveness in private secondary schools in Ilorin metropolis. There is a significant relationship between in-service training and student academic performance. Also, there was a positive relationship between in-service training and teacher job performance. Based on the findings, it was recommended that proprietors of private secondary schools should release their teachers promptly for in-service training programme. They should also give financial assistance to teachers willing to go for training programme in order to encourage them and further enhance their job performance.
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