The main objective of the study is to examine the relationship between teacher’s characteristics and academic performance in Commerce among Senior Secondary School Students. The study specifically examine the relationship between teachers qualification, teachers’ year of experience and academic performance in Commerce among Senior Secondary School Students in Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State, Nigeria. The specific objective led to the formulation of two hypotheses that were stated in null form. Literature was reviewed according to the variables of the study. The study adopted the ex-post facto design. The sample of the study comprised of 280 Senior Secondary School senior student randomly selected from 14 secondary schools in Calabar Metropolis. Data for the study was gathered using a structured question titled: “Teachers Characteristics and Student Performance Scale” (TCSPS) comprising three sections. Data collected from the field were collated, coded and the appropriate statistical tools were applied. Data analysis was done using frequency, simple percentages while mean, standard deviation, and Pearson product moment correlation test were used to analyse the hypotheses at a significant level of 0.05. Results revealed that there is a statistically significant relationship between teacher’s qualification, teachers’ years of experience and student academic performance in Commerce among Senior Secondary School Students Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State, Nigeria. The study recommends among others that in hiring effective teachers, school management should not look only at qualifications of the teachers. There are various factors that can be considered, such as the experience, age, gender, attitudes and social behavior of teachers that may holistically contribute to students’ academic achievement.
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