The aim of this research is to reveal the information and communication techonology (ICT) levels of the English language teachers working in primary schools according to the CEO's forum standards and the factors that affect these levels. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the teachers in the 19-21 minute period consisting of 16 questions. The data obtained from the interview were interpreted and compared by the researcher under different categories. In addition, the qualitative data obtained were analyzed and teachers' awareness of ICT integration levels and ICT integration levels of teachers in the 1999 report of the CEO Forum on Education and Technology ”organization were tried to be determined and teacher approaches affecting these levels were determined”. As a result of this study it is seen that the interviewed English teachers are at level 2 according to CEO forum standards. Teachers believe that ICT tools are useful, but it is necessary to devote time to use them. Exams and intensive curricula are among the reasons why teachers cannot use ICT tools. There is a parallel between teachers' use of ICT tools and their knowledge. A parallel was observed between teachers' knowledge about ICT and their self-efficacy.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2787
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