The study assessed the clients’ level of satisfaction on the different frontline services provided by government run higher education institution (HEI) external campus in the municipality of Alangalang, Leyte, Philippines. This study is anchored on the Philippine Republic Act Number 9485 which advocates the Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007 (ARTA) requiring all government institutions to provide programs and services supportive to strengthening customer satisfaction and enhanced services delivery, educate and equip employees assigned in the frontline service to become more responsive and efficient to clients’ needs. It employed a descriptive survey research design utilizing both the quantitative and qualitative approaches with a self-structured survey instrument. The study adopted the core areas of the Report Card Survey (RCS) of the ARTA; timeliness, knowledge, competence, courtesy, fairness and ethical treatment, service quality, physical setup/layout and basic facilities. Majority of the student respondents belonged to the young adult group represented with ages ranging from 18-21 years, while the faculty and staff, alumni and supplier respondents were young adult (18-35 years old) and were mostly females. Findings revealed that, in general, the students, faculty and staff and alumni were very satisfied with the services provided for by the HEI under study. The area on competence got the highest satisfaction rating while the area on basic facilities got the lowest satisfaction. In conclusion, the government HEI managed to deliver good quality services but with gaps and not enough to earn high satisfaction among its clientele. It is recommended that the management should consider the problems observed and should take necessary mechanisms to improve the satisfaction to its clientele.
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