Following the rapid increase of reports concerning the radicalization of Kenyan youths and indulging youths into terrorism propagators such as ‘Al-Shabaab’ in some parts of Kenya; has created a need to identify and disseminate effective intervention programs that will bar young people from being endured to participate in murderous activities against their fellow innocent Kenyans. However, the present curriculum does not adequately address the issue of radicalising our young people into religious extremism and preventing young generation from joining terrorism groups. Until then, however, little was known about the extent to which effective intervention programs would restore human dignity in learning institutions. The purpose of this Paper, therefore, was to determine the extent to which effective intervention programs would enhance human dignity among secondary school students in Mombasa County, Kenya. To achieve this purpose, the study sought to address the following objectives: to identify intervention programs being offered in schools and describe how these intervention programs are being taught in schools. This paper adopted qualitative design. The paper was carried out in Mombasa County secondary schools. The paper targeted 30 secondary schools, 30 principals and three form students. The paper used interview and observation checklists to collect data. The paper held face to face interview schedules with the principals. The qualitative data from interview schedules and observation checklists were analysed thematically and the findings were quoted directly in the text. The main findings were that: majority of the secondary schools offer the following intervention programs as a better way of fighting radicalization: a culture of peace making, sports, leisure, cultural activities, drama, music and art and dance. The paper also recommends that teachers should teach skills on how to encounter proactive situation, moral values and intellectual pillar, physical and mental fitness; and drills through theoretical and practical approaches.
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