Enterprising and entrepreneurship have gained public interest due to changes in global economy, pressure in labour market demanding graduates to equip themselves with skills to help them prosper and government support to foster enterprising culture to boast economic growth. The analytical technique for test of hypothesis was Pearson Product Moment Correlation Analysis. Descriptive Survey method was adopted in methodology. Enterprise and entrepreneurship can provide high learning opportunities best when related to courses chosen by students. A lot of initiatives has been introduced by Nigerian government in schools mostly universities to encourage the spirit of entrepreneurship within our vast population. Numerous opportunities are available for universities when enterprising and entrepreneurship are integrated to restructure learning, building capacity and skill in students which will help reduce pressure in labour market because entrepreneurship is the key to economic development. Recommendations were made; students’ potentials when unleashed will lead to job opportunity, job creation, new industries. Conclusion: Government should help by organizing practical training, giving financial assistance, bank loan, also monitoring people to know whether those materials given are utilized effectively to avoid waste.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.2813
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